Friday, September 18, 2009

Copernicus and the trial of Galileo

Galileo Galilei was born in 1564. When he was young, he expressed his scientific knowledge. For example, he discovered the isochronism of the pendulum at the age of nineteen. At the age of twenty two he invented the hydrostatic balance. At age twenty five he made a speech at the University of Pisa, which gave him the spotlight in Europe and as a scientist and lecturer.
Nicolaus Copernicus became famous in 1543 when he published "Revolutions of the Celestial Orbs." This stated that the earth orbited around the sun. His theory is related to skepticism. This theory differ to the philosophy of the Aristotle, the astronomy of Ptolemy and the teachings of the church.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Scientific Revoltuion: The Scientific Method

The scientific revolution is when new ideas of science; such as chemistry, physcis and biology; were founded. In early years, around the 1500's many scientist and scholars got there information and facts from the Greeks, Romans and the bible. There were many important scientist and scholars that were part of this, such as Galileo, Copernicus, Kepler, and Newton.
The scientific method is a way or technique to better understand in your observation. This method helps many scientist and scholars during the scientific revolution for there observation. One example is when Galileo made improvements in his telescopes.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Evolution Vs. Creation

Charles Darwin purposed a theory of evolution which explains the development of life from non-life and the quote "descent with modification." This means that early species evolve to simpler species. Charles Darwin's theory is related to natural selection which means that species adapt to there environment. In science terms, evolution is when genes and organisms in your body changes throughout generations.
Creation is more related to religion. Creation is also known as Creationism. Creation, in religion terms, is the making of early life by a supernatural god. In christian sense, creation is created by a god, which can be found in the bible, in Genesis. Creation is also a concept for the Jewish religion, but very few Jewish people believe in this concept.
I believe in the theory of evolution because it has supporting facts and evidence that I understand. It gives me explanations about this theory. Creation doesn't have enought supporting facts and evidence, which I can't understand.