Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Evolution Vs. Creation

Charles Darwin purposed a theory of evolution which explains the development of life from non-life and the quote "descent with modification." This means that early species evolve to simpler species. Charles Darwin's theory is related to natural selection which means that species adapt to there environment. In science terms, evolution is when genes and organisms in your body changes throughout generations.
Creation is more related to religion. Creation is also known as Creationism. Creation, in religion terms, is the making of early life by a supernatural god. In christian sense, creation is created by a god, which can be found in the bible, in Genesis. Creation is also a concept for the Jewish religion, but very few Jewish people believe in this concept.
I believe in the theory of evolution because it has supporting facts and evidence that I understand. It gives me explanations about this theory. Creation doesn't have enought supporting facts and evidence, which I can't understand.

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